Friday, February 25, 2011

Community vs Coal

    I am not that familiar with the small Texas Town called Eagle Pass, however I can understand the fear of their towns expansion by Dos Republicas coal mine. When I first starting reading this article I selfishly thought GREAT! We need all the resources and jobs we can get right now. Reading on I started thinking about the long term effects or damage that coal mines can cause to communities.  I saw Erin Brockovich, I know it wasn't a coal mine, but it was pollution and I do not know all the effects that it could have on everything down to the water I drink.
The author was clearly speaking to those concerned with pollution and economy in Eagle Pass. The power of the peoples voices are being heard as I read in the links to other articles that the author added. The citizens of Eagle Pass have already considered all the in's and out's of having Dos Republicas in their town and showed their support by voting unanimously to oppose their permit for the first phase of coal mine operations. Obviously Dos Republicas would create jobs, many nee
ded jobs, but for how long and for who? Would the coal mine scare away other opportunities for this community?  Personally I wouldn't ever want to move to a town that was known for or had ever been known for mining.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Senate Committee Moves Sonogram Bill on with Amendments

Thank goodness that our government will give a voice to those who can not speak for themselves. In the article I read that “The final bill requires physicians to offer pregnant women a sonogram at least 24 hours before an abortion, and the woman must be given the opportunity to see the sonogram image and hear a description of the fetus and its heartbeat, if it is present.” Many women are upset that they are more heavily burdened with the guilt. I have heard women claiming “my body, my choice” or “why should the government be able to control medical choices”,  sorry ladies  I can’t agree more about doing what I want with my body however after becoming pregnant my body is not mine alone.  I have to ask myself the reasons women get abortions, a rape or incest victim or medical reasons are clear to me which were covered in the amendments to the bill however I can not understand the other selfish reasons why women can be allowed to destroy a life just because it interferes with theirs.  I believe that people should take responsibility for their actions.  It is sad that the government has to step in or intrude to show people where their morals have gone and get involved in medical affairs but I know that someone needs to stand up for the unborn.