Friday, April 1, 2011

Budget Cuts.... where should we really be cutting back?

    Listening to all the reports lately about budget cuts in education had me questioning where all of our money is going. I started questioning the state lottery and thought that with the 18 billion dollars we have gambled with since the Texas Lottery started where is it all going? Then I thought why not legalize all gambling in Texas and open casino's and tax them into paying for our education budget. I know that some say gambling is terrible and addictive, some even call it a disease, but I think adding somewhere rather than taking away from education would be more beneficial to the youth in Texas. Grown ups can take care of themselves. Education is one areas that we should not cut corners on.
    One area I may catch some heat for speaking up about but could really use some cuts is welfare. If we took a look at all the people who stay on welfare, those who are not disabled and have no excuse except being. I couldn't find any exact numbers online the only numbers I could find were national, out of 350 million people 30 million are receiving welfare. Something is not right here. I understand temporary services for those who have been laid off. Life happens to all of us, Last year the day I filed for divorce my house burned down and believe it or not my radiator cracked, I know needing a little help. Pick your self up! why are so many capable families allowed to live like that. It makes me angry to think of cuts in programs like education when I see families living- and I mean living- off the system in every way from medicaid to food stamps to welfare. Its the families that work but just cant make ends meet that should be receiving the help instead of the people who do not even try to work.
   I am by no means qualified in financial planning, certainly not in anything as large as state budgets but I do know there have to be areas that can be changed with out making cuts where we need the most help, our country will be nothing if our children don't get the support, love and education that they need and deserve.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Budget cuts and education is a touchy subject to many people throughout Texas. And everyone has an opinion. The budget, to date, is unbalanced, but should we really be cutting in the education department? Of course not. And there are alternatives.

    In Taking Notice, the blogger suggests some alternatives that could generate income for Texas, as well as cut frivolous spending.

    Open casinos and legalize gambling. The lottery has generated 18 billion dollars, and the education system could benefit from money of that size.
    Cutting welfare benefits. Many people live off of welfare and other government assistance programs. This is wasting money that could certainly be used to provide a better education to the children of this state.
    I agree with these points (my blog is about this as well). Children should be our main priority, especially since studies have shown that children who are educated tend to do better in life. They are more likely to not be on government assistance programs, and stay out of jail.

    The audience is anyone who lives in Texas, since the budget issues are a big deal, as well as anyone with children, teachers, or educators in general.
